Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The page has been turned to the next chapter

I love to read. One of the things I enjoy the most with reading is the excitement of turning the page to begin a new chapter. I know that many read to find out how the story ends, but I enjoy reading how the story continues.

I re-read The Chronicles of Narnia a few months ago. However, they were all of the books bound together into one text. I was thrilled to enter into the next chapter and even more thrilled when entering into a new book. Well, this is true for how I feel now.

Rebecca & I have moved to Fort Worth, Texas from Charlotte, North Carolina. I recently graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and now the reason for the move is to begin my studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

The page has been turned. The wonder of how our story will continue is very exciting. May God be exalted through each line, paragraph and chapter of our lives.

Friday, April 14, 2006

On this day . . .

I know that I have recently posted one of these already, but this one is even more improtant that the last.

On this day 20 YEARS AGO!

I recognized my need of a redeeming Savior and submitted to the realization that Jesus in fact is the Son of God and is the Christ.

To put it in a more "accepted" terminology, I "accepted" Jesus as the Christ.

It is so hard to believe that it has been 20 years. Just a note, also on the day, my mother "accepted" Jesus as the Christ.

How cool is it that it falls on "Good Friday"!!!

May God receive ALL Glory, Honor, Power & Praise!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

On this day . . .

13 years ago, I was Licensed for Ministry at Two Rivers Baptist Church in Nashville, TN by Dr. Jerry Sutton and unanimous vote of the church. As a special honor during the service, Dr. Jimmy Draper prayed over me and encouraged me in the work of the ministry. It was a very special night that I will never forget.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What's in a name?

Recently, I have gotten into some discussions regarding my name. I know that to some this may seem strange, but some of you will understand. As you can read at the top of this page, I show that my name is Michael Griggs. I am somewhat particular about being called by my name.

Let me interject that some do in fact call me simply by my last name as a nickname, but for most I am Michael.

The reason a discussion recently came up was because I introduced myself to someone at a company gathering and this person, not knowing me before, chose on his own to call me "Mike." Now, for some this is no big deal, but for me it was and is a big deal. Again, I know many will think this peculiar, but for some reason since I was young, I have always asked people to call me by my "given" name. As a matter of fact, I was particular when I met my wife Rebecca in asking her if I could call her by her given name.

I bring all of this history in regarding my name to actually bring up a point about God and His name.

I asked myself the question the other day that when people hear my name, "what does it make them ponder?" Similarly, I asked myself the question that when people hear the name of God, "what does it make them ponder?"

I recalled that God is particular when we use His name. Exodus 20:7 says, "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain." (ESV) However, His name brings to mind so many awesome things! I also think that there is more to His name than just a name, but His character or attributes.

So, when I thought some more about it pertaining to my own name, I realized that there is more to my name than just a name, but my character or attributes. When I ponder on God, I think of His many names, characteristics and attributes.

So, what's in a name? Everything, it defines you, me & God. So, the next time you meet someone cherish their name and treat it as though it defines them.

Over the next few posts (which could be weeks/months), I am going to be looking at the "names" given to God.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Background Music?

What would be your background music?

The other day I was pondering on the fact that some bad actors get great music in the movies and it almost makes them good at what they do. On the other hand, there are some actors that really just don't need the music. I am referring to Tom Hanks in the movie "Castaway." He was robbed of the Oscar that year by some buffoon from Australia who can play a mean "Gladiator." Now, that was a movie with great music, but I digress.

There are some scenes in some movies that I vividly remember because of the music. One in particular is in the movie, "Dead Poets Society," I recall "Ode to Joy" while the boys were playing soccer. I can actually think of hundreds of scenes where there were no words, only music, and they were very profound moments. On the onther hand, I remember where the music played as the actors were talking and it was in no way distracting, rather it made the scene flow. I know that you can think of some of your favorite movies and think of the music.

One of my favorites is actually in the Sci-fi series of "Star Wars" in Episode One where the big Light-Saber fight takes place. WOW! John Williams is one of my favorites when it comes to motion picture soundtracks. Another that I extremely enjoyed is in the movie "Glory" when the soldiers are making their attack on Fort Wagner, and the music from Carl Orff's, "Carmina Burana" is playing. It was the perfect music for the scene.

Movie soundtracks have made some films that were subpar become wonderful.

With this in mind, I am curious to know, what would be your background music? It most certainly changes with each mood or day. I was listening to Beethoven's 5th Symphony the other day and realized why I like his works so much - extremes! His music is notorious for the "manheim steamroll" or the crescendo (getting loud). Beethoven's music for its day was extreme. I am a person of extremes. I am either passionate about something, or I could just care less. There really is no grey area with me. Should that have been spelled with an "a"?


What would be your background music? The reason I like this idea is rather than letting me know what you are listening to, as some blogs post; let me know what music I should be hearing as you are talking or typing.

I think I am going to come up with an entire lecture or sermon series, where I will have background music. I wonder if what is said would be better received?

I currently have a professor that is passionate about Ancient History, but the presentation is anything but enthusiastic. However, if there was the music of some dynamic nature playing while she was telling of Hannibal and his conquests over the Roman Legions through Spain and down into the Itailian peninsula, then maybe the class would have recalled it better on the test.

Likewise, I wonder if knowing what someone's background music was would be a fun way to know what their mood is. I know that when I am angry, I could just hear the intro to Dvorak's New World Symphony booming. Conversely, when I am in a more playful mood, hearing Mozart's Symphony No. 40 in G minor would be a fun tune.

Even still there may even be times where there is no music at all - silence!

I think the reason I enjoyed the movie "Castaway" so much is that it makes the character even more real. The silence is broken many times, but the most dramatic, in my opinion, is on the raft and Wilson is lost to the ocean - the wailing is incredible.

Sometimes in our own lives, we need the music, but other times we need the silence. Better still, worshipping God is wonderful with music, but even best is worshipping Him in silence. It is refreshing!

So, what is your background music?

Friday, November 04, 2005

The "Refreshing" Fountain

“Mighty, Awesome, Wonderful is the Holy Cross” – Chris Tomlin

As I was listening to this absolutely incredible song, I realized what I have been missing in church – The Cross.

In our churches, we hear sermons on everything but the cross. We have sermons on marriage, family, friends, TV, movies, money and the list could go on for days, but we lack the simple story that changed the world. We want to have people hear sermons that are “relevant.” Hey, I am not knocking the ideas of trying to present truth to people in relevant ways, but what I do believe is missing is the Gospel message in our churches that Jesus came to save. However, what is so amazing is how he chose to do it.

Heck, even some of our songs sung in church lack the depth of truth. We sing songs about running barefoot or hearing the crashing waves. Granted these things are wonderful experiences, and I believe God can be in the midst of them. Yet, the songs of the Cross or the blood seem to be missing or just “sprinkled” here and there. As a matter of fact, I try to sing old hymns to my children when rocking them to sleep. Well, the other night after I had finished “Amazing Grace” I thought for a second about what to sing next to Jacob and began singing “There is a Fountain.” For some, this song is considered gruesome, but for me it is wonderful. The blood of Jesus can cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I want my daughter & son to know this.

If I want my children to know this, then I want the world to know this. Jesus changes us.

Why do we not want to offend others with this “gruesome” truth? Jesus offends. I was thinking about the cross and remembered back to the movie, “The Passion of Christ.” This movie offended. It offended because it was bloody. It offended because it was truth. It offended because it demanded a response. Well, sacrifices are all of these things. Without the shedding of blood, there is no sacrifice for our sins. I remember when I was “plunged” into that fountain. I was changed. Just as a cucumber is soaked in vinegar changes and becomes a pickle. It will never be a cucumber again. It is forever changed. I am thankful that the blood of Jesus so permeates me that I will be forever changed. This is my prayer for my children. This is my prayer for others I see and work with everyday. I want to be “IMMERSED.”

For those of you who have never heard the song mentioned above, here are the words to Chris Tomlin’s song, “Mighty is the Power of the Cross”

What can take a dying man
And raise him up to life again?
What can heal the wounded soul?
What can make us white as snow?
What can fill the emptiness?
What can mend our brokenness? Brokenness?

Mighty, awesome, wonderful
Is the Holy cross.
Where the Lamb lay down His life
To lift us from the fall.
Mighty is the power of the cross.

Verse 2:
What restores our faith in God?
What reveals the Father's love?
What can lead the wayward home?
What can melt a heart of stone?
What can free the guilty ones?
What can save and overcome? Overcome?

*Repeat Chorus*

It's a miracle to me
It's a miracle to me
It's still a mystery
And it's still a mystery
It's a miracle to me
The power of God
Those who believe

Mighty, awesome, wonderful
Is the Holy cross.
Where the Lamb lay down His life
To lift us from the fall.

Oh and mighty, awesome, wonderful
Is the Holy cross.
Where the Lamb lay down His life
To lift us from the fall.
Mighty is the power of...
Mighty is the power of...
Mighty is the power of the cross.

Thank You for the cross.
Thank You for the cross.
I love the cross.
I love the cross.
It's a powerful cross.

What can take a dying man (thank You Jesus)
And raise him up to life again? (thank You Jesus)
Worship You Jesus (wonderful cross)
By Your wounds we are healed
By Your wounds we are saved

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I know that I am not being grammatically correct in my title, but I am actually quoting my daughter Megan.

Have you ever had one of those moments in your life where you learned a lesson that you wanted to NEVER forget? Well, I have had one of those moments, and I would like to share it with you.

A few months ago, Rebecca & I were cleaning out the garage. Believe me, it needed it. Well, while we were doing this I had taken the broom out to sweep out the dust and dirt that somehow makes its way into the garage. We were almost finished, but I needed to move something in order to complete the sweeping. After I had moved this object, I turned to get the broom, but it wasn’t there. Megan had picked it up and began to sweep.

I was about to approach her to take it from her when she cried out, “I HELP! I HELP!”

So, naturally, I backed off to watch her work. It was incredible the thoughts that immediately rushed through my mind and even later my heart. I had learned a lesson that even as I type this makes my eyes water with tears. She had acted in a way that truly amazed me.

I recognized something about her relationship with me and how that correlates with my relationship with God. Megan was so eager to help even though she had no clue what the exact goal was. She also was using a tool that was twice as tall as her. All she knew was that she wanted to do what I was doing and wanted to help me with all of her might and ability.

I recognized that this is just what Isaiah did in chapter six of his book. Like Megan, Isaiah didn’t know what the goal was. He was simply overhearing God inquire “Who will go for me?” God didn’t say where; He simply wanted to know who. Isaiah didn’t know what tools or resources he would need. All he knew was that he wanted to do whatever God was doing, and he was willing to do this no matter the circumstances.

I picture Isaiah crying out like Megan did. “Here am I, send me!” It could easily be translated, “I HELP! I HELP!”

I stood in my garage and wept while watching my daughter help me. She was doing what I was doing.

She was obedient.

This made me also think about Jesus when he was getting baptized. Jesus was obedient to his Father by going down and being baptized by John. After he had done this, God says, “This is my son, whom I love and am well pleased.”

As I was watching Megan, I thought to myself, “This is my daughter, whom I love and am well pleased.” She didn’t know the task, she didn’t have the coordination, but she knew she wanted to please her Daddy. Even though I had to go behind her to complete the task of sweeping the garage, I could see her walking with a bit of a higher bounce throughout the rest of the afternoon. She knew that I was so very proud of her.

I pray that I will have this same willingness to please God. Even though I may not know what the task is or even have the means by which to accomplish it; my desire is to cry out to God, “I HELP! I HELP!” And just as I did with Megan, I pray that God will follow behind me to complete the task.